
We are excited that you are here. Below you will find guides and links on various use cases of the platform. We hope that Brain-Score will enable you to find new insights from models, benchmarks, and integrated scoring.

You can get up and running ASAP with our Quickstart, where you learn how to install Brain-Score on your machine and how to score an existing model on an existing benchmark.

Or, if you are a more seasoned user, you can explore the platform further via our Deep Dive series. Here there are guided overviews of the submission system, as well as instructions on how to submit plugins.


Our tutorials and FAQs, created with Brain-Score users, aim to cover all bases. However, if issues arise, reach out to our community or consult the troubleshooting guide below for common errors and solutions.

Something Not Right?

If you come across any bugs, please feel free to submit an Issue on Github. One of our team members will be happy to investigate any issues.