How to Fix Common Errors

Our comprehensive troubleshooting guide is designed to help users navigate through common issues they might encounter while using our platform, especially in the submission process. It includes step-by-step solutions for a variety of problems, with the hope that users can quickly find the help they need.

We also continually update this guide based on user feedback and emerging issues, ensuring it remains a valuable tool for resolving challenges efficiently.

If your issue is not listed here, please feel free to open a Github issue, check out the community page, or contact the Brain-Score team directly via slack or email; we are always happy to help!


Our tutorials and FAQs, created with Brain-Score users, aim to cover all bases. However, if issues arise, reach out to our community or consult the troubleshooting guide below for common errors and solutions.

Something Not Right?

If you come across any bugs, please feel free to submit an Issue on Github. One of our team members will be happy to investigate any issues.