Custom Models

Brain-Score also supports the submission of plugins via a Github Pull Request (PR). For a complete description of what the required files are, as well as what to include in each, please refer to Deep Dive 1.

To submit via PR, simply open a Pull Request with your submission on the appropriate domain's Github repository. If you submit via PR, one of the members of the Brain-Score team will review it and either merge it or suggest any needed fixes. Once this PR is merged, it will be scored, and you will get an email back with scores just like you would for a website submission.


Our tutorials and FAQs, created with Brain-Score users, aim to cover all bases. However, if issues arise, reach out to our community or consult the troubleshooting guide below for common errors and solutions.

Something Not Right?

If you come across any bugs, please feel free to submit an Issue on Github. One of our team members will be happy to investigate any issues.